First year

First Semester

Anatomy (I) for physiotherapists (M101)

The aim of this course is to inform the student with full anatomical knowledge of bones, muscles, joints, nerves and related terminology to dissection with relevant implication on different body structures.

Physiology (I) for physiotherapists (M102)

The course in Physiology I is designed to give the student an in-depth knowledge of fundamental reactions of living organisms, particularly in the human body including the cell; primary tissue; connective tissue; skin; muscle; nervous tissue; blood; lymphoid tissues. Laboratory classes are concerned with the microscopic structure of tissues, organs and systems and particular emphasis is placed on relationship of structure and function.

Histology (1) for physiotherapists (M103)

This course provides the student with the knowledge of the basic histological structures of different cells and tissues of human body

Chemistry (I) for physiotherapists (M104)

This course provides the student with cell Biology and biochemistry, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, enzymes, biological membranes. DNA, RNA, nucleic acids, Hereditary diseases and genetic engineering.

Psychology (I) for physiotherapists (G 105): 

This course provides students with  :

general principles of psychology and its relation to other sciences, understanding and analyzing the theoretical and practical fields of psychology and its value in life of people, recognizing the value of team work and it’s effectiveness in communication, how to treat the stress conditions in scientific base

English and medical terminology for physiotherapists (G106)

The purpose of the course is to recognize the difference between medical terminology and every-day conversational English, Recognize the usage of English in the field of Physical Therapy and other health care fields, Describe the different English medical texts, Describe different medical concepts related to ailments and diseases in correct English, Compose correct English sentences, both written and oral, in the different contexts.

Principles of Computer (1) (G107) 

This course is designed for physical therapy students to know the components of computers and their operations, history of computers, networking, hardware and software, ethical issues and privacy concerns, technical introduction for computer science, medical information science, basis of computer operation systems, operating system functions, and the use of the Internet.

Molecular biology for physiotherapists (PT108)  

This course is designed for the physical therapy student to understand the basic concept and fundamental principles of cellular biology of body systems, abnormal biological changes at molecular level, Changes of the human cell, cancer management, Biological changes emphasizing the dynamic relationships of human structures and dysfunction, Biological principles of skeletal, muscular and nervous systems at molecular base.

Biophysics (I) for physiotherapists (G109)

This course provides students with:

Concepts of light and electromagnetic spectrum, temperature and heat, physical properties of sound, and its application in medicine, Principles of light and electromagnetic spectrum and its usefulness in the applications of physical agents, laws governing thermodynamics, use of sound in the diagnosis of human body, the effects of phototherapy devices using the principles of light and electromagnetic spectrum, Role of heat and cold in medicine. key terms of sound , diagnostic effects and uses

Social determinants of health (G110)  

This course provides the student with knowledge of the basic concept of sociology and the impact of social factors on physical therapy practice, Clinical reasoning skills, skills of communication, time/stress management, team work skills, Principles of health, wellness, sickness and illness, key components of “core” theories and models of behavior.

Political sciences (G111)  

This course provides the student with;

 Knowledge about the basic concepts of politics and their impact on physical therapy practice, clinical reasoning skills, communication skills, and evaluation of view of others, Information related to different political thoughts, and  Economical factors that affect goals of physical therapy practice.

First year

Second Semester


Anatomy (II) for physiotherapists (M112)

This course enables the student to know :

fascia of thigh, Muscles of front & medial side of thigh, Femoral triangle, Adductor canal, Lumbar plexus, Femoral nerve, Gluteal region, Muscles of the back of thigh, Sacral Plexus, Popliteal Fossa, Tibia& Common peroneal nerves, Muscles of the leg, Anterior tibial, Musculocutanous & Post tibial nerves,Plantar Aponeurosis, Layers of the sole of foot, Hip Joint &Knee Joints. Tibiofibular, Ankle,  intertasal Joints, Ligaments of foot & Arches of the foot,Cutaneous sensation of lower limb, Muscles of face, Muscles of Mastication, Sternomastoid,Lateral vertebral muscles, Anterior vertebral muscles, Muscles of back of neck, Infrahyoid muscles, Digastric&Myloyoid muscles, Joints of atlas and axis. Cranial nerves, Muscles of tongue.

Physiology (II) for physiotherapists (M113)

The course in Physiology II is designed to enable students to understand function of different body systems and organs ,function of hormones , function of the kidney, digestive system and metabolism regulatory mechanisms of body in health and disease state.

Histology (II) for physiotherapists (M114)

Recognize the histology and structures of different body systems.

Chemistry (II) for physiotherapists (M115)

This course provides students with:

Generation and storage of metabolic energy, Glycolysis, Glycogen, Gluconeogenesis and Glucose homeostasis,  Storage and mobilization of lipids, Oxidation of fatty acids,  Metabolism of nitrogenous compounds; aspects of nutrition, Synthesis and catabolism of amino acids, Nitrogen balance and protein requirements, Formation of urea and Vitamins.

Biophysics (II) for physiotherapists (G116)

This course provides students with:

Concepts of energy, work and power of the body, methods of heat losses, physical properties of sound; x-ray, radionuclides, in diagnosis and treatment, and importance of forces to human skeleton in the field of body work and exercise.

Principles of Computer (II) (PT117)

This course enables the student to know:

 The rules of using the Internet, Use of information technology, Building electronic medical record, Building and delivering presentations, Design slides presentation, spread sheet Programs and its application in physical therapy career.

Quality principles (G118) 

This course is designed for the physical therapy student to understand

Fundamental concepts and definitions of quality, Concepts of quality management programs, Selection of quality control tools, Entrances of quality assurance, and Point out the framework of quality assurance mechanisms within physical therapy practice.

Ethics and professionalism (G119) 

This course is designed for the physical therapy student to understand

Introduction to ethics, laws and professionalism in physical therapy practice, provides the introductory information concerning physical therapists professional obligations requisite to functioning as a clinician, consultant, and administrator,  An introduction to legal and moral issues and dilemmas related to professional and health care trends occurs through readings, group activities and discussion.

Medical statistics for physiotherapists (G120)  

This course provides students with:

Basic concepts of Biostatistics and data analysis, Role of Biostatistics in medical research, Sampling and sample types, Dispersion of data and normal distribution curve, Formulate setting a valid hypothesis and hypothesis testing, and Differentiate between types of variables.

Exercises physiology (PT121) 

This course provides students with:

Knowledge of the acute and chronic responses to exercise, understanding the mechanisms of how these responses occur, The overriding concept throughout the course will be how the body attempts to maintain “homeostasis” in light of the disturbance caused by exercise.

First aids for physiotherapists (PT122)

This course provides students with:

Knowledge and skills to assist victims with different types of injuries and disorders and apply first aids for them to save their life or avoid worsening of the injuries, Steps of first aid and the impact of early dealing with cases, principles of basic trauma life support measures. Recognize types and degrees of shock and bleeding,  Abnormal indicators in emergent ill patients. Methods of transportation of critical patient.Different causes of poisoning, appropriate action for critical situation by using problem solving technique. Common medical emergencies and poisoning,  Appropriate cardiopulmonary basic life support plan, Bearing in mind technical, logistical, safety and ethical limitations and  Aid measures and initial therapy for injured and acutely ill patient.

Second year

First semester


Neuro anatomy (1) for physiotherapists (M201)

 This course provides the student with:

Introduction of nervous system, Spinal cord, cerebral meninges, Cerebrospinal fluid, Medulla, Pons, Midbrain, Fourth ventricle, Cerebellum, Interpeduncular fossa, Cerebral Hemispheres, Functional area of the cerebral hemispheres, Internal structures of the cerebral hemispheres, White matter of the cerebral hemispheres, Basal ganglia, The internal capsule, Diencephalon and Blood supply of the brain.

Neuroscience (1) for physiotherapists (M202)   

This course provides the student with:

Cells of the nervous system, basic cell biology, structure of neurons and glia, basic structure & function of the mammalian nervous system (CNS/PNS, somatic/autonomic), Dural Sinuses, vascular and ventricular organization of the brain and spinal, Histological organization of the spinal cord, Ascending and descending tracts, Cranial Nerves Components and Peripheral Distribution, Organization of the Brian stem and Diencephalon, Action Potentials and Axonal Conduction, Neurotransmitters and their receptors, the skeletal muscle structure and function, Mechanism of synaptic plasticity LTP/LTD in adult nervous system, Somatosensory system and Nociception and Synaptic Transmission.


Biochemistry (3) for physiotherapists (M203)   

This course enables the student to understand:

Introduction to Nutrition, Malnutrition and vitamins, Bioenergetics,  TCA cycle, Carbohydrate Metabolism, Lipid Metabolism and Insulin & Diabetes.

Biomechanics (I) (PT 204) 

This course provides the student with:

Basic terms in biomechanics and force characteristics, External forces,

Internal forces & types of muscle contraction, Application on types of muscle contraction &Line of application of the muscle force, Force systems I (linear and parallel force system), Newton’s laws.  Center of gravity. Values of determination of center of gravity. Stability,  Simple body machines I (Lever system), Simple body machines II (Torque and Two joint muscles), Simple body machines III (Pulley system), Types of motion, Force systems II (Force couple and concurrent force system.

Tests and measurements (1) (PT205) 

This course provides the student with:

Introduction to test & Measurement, Levels of measurement, Reliability, objectivity & validity, Manual muscle testing, Joint range of motion for upper limbs, Long and round measurements for upper limbs, Strain gauge devices, Hand held dynamometer, Electrogoniometer, Plurimeter and Isokinetic muscle performance.

Electrotherapy (I) (G206)

This course provides the student with:

Introduction to Basic Concept of electro physical modalities, Heating modalities, Infrared Therapy (IR), Low Level Laser Therapy (LASER)

Ultraviolet therapy, Shortwave diathermy (SWD), Microwave diathermy (MWD), Ultrasound Therapy (US), Shock wave Therapy.

Therapeutic Exercises (I) (PT207)

This course designed to state:

Scientific Basis of Therapeutic Exercise, Types of joints and Passive range of motion, Active assisted and active free Ex,  Resistance Exercise, Posture, Stretching,  Core stability exercises,  Balance exercises, Coordination exercises, Plyometrics exercises, open and closed kinetic chain exercises.


Hydrotherapy (G208)

This course designed to state:

Principles of hydrotherapy, Whirlpool and contrast bath, Physiological effects of hydrotherapy, Aquatic therapy, principles benefits and uses, Hydrotherapy in selected disorders, Thermotherapy, hydro-collator and paraffin wax, Mud and Peloids, Physiological effects of cold, Cryotherapy, Fluid therapy and Heat versus cold



Second year

Second semester


Human anatomy (III) for physiotherapists M209

This course provides the student with:

Knowledge about Muscles of the anterior & posterior abdominal wall, Diaphragm, Muscles of the back and the trunk, Bony pelvis and Types of female pelvis, Joints of the pelvis, Pelvic wall and pelvic diaphragm, Sacral plexus, Pericardium and heart, Thoracic wall (muscles and nerves), Trachea and phrenic nerve, Pleura and lung and Joints of the vertebrae.

Neuroscience (II) for physiotherapists M210

This course provides the student with:

Knowledge about Cells of the nervous system, basic cell biology, structure of neuroendocrine systems, basic structure & function of the cognitive development and aging, Cranial Nerves –Components and Peripheral Distribution, Organization of the motor systems, Organization of the sensory systems, Hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system, Special senses- vision, Special senses- auditory, Special senses- taste/olfaction, Spinal cord reflexes and Descending pathways that control movements, Basal ganglia, Cerebellar and vestibular control of movements and Organization of the special senses.

Biochemistry (IV) for physiotherapists M211

This course provides the student with:

Knowledge about Protein metabolism, Amino acid metabolism and metabolic integration, metabolism of the muscle and muscle diseases, Purine and Pyrimidine metabolism, Replication, transcription and translation, Molecular Biology techniques and  Polymerase chain reaction. Insulin & Diabetes

Biomechanics (II) PT212

This course enables the student to understand:

Introduction to normal gait, Kinematic analysis of gait, Measurement of joint angles during gait, Gait determinants, Kinetic analysis of gait, Introduction to instruments in analysis, Muscular forces during swing phase, Causes of pathomechanics of gait, Abnormal posture and its mechanics, Effect of muscular weakness on gait and Gait disorders in some diseases.

Tests and measurements (II) PT213

This course enables the student to understand:

Measurement of ROM of LL, MMT for hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot and Toes,

Isokinetic muscle performance test, MMT for neck, trunk and pelvis. MMT for muscles of the face, Assessment of pain, burn and wound, Assessment of balance and Special tests.

Manual therapy PT214

This course enables the student to understand:

History and introduction. Medical massage. Positional release. Reflexology. Myofascial trigger point. Integrated neuromuscular inhibition. Craniosacral therapy. Mobilization of nervous system and  Acupressure.

Therapeutic exercises (II) PT215

This course enables the student to understand:

Peripheral joint mobilization, Cervical Spine assessment and mobilization. Thoracic Spine assessment and mobilization. Lumbar Spine assessment and mobilization. Neurodynamic tension testing. Mulligan Techniques. Plyometric Training. Mckenize Techniques and Spinal Traction.

Electrotherapy (II) PT216

This course designed to state:

Introduction to Basic Concept of electrical stimulation, Mechanism of action of electrical stimulation, Low Frequency current: Faradic current,

TENS, HVPGS,  Diadynamic current, Russian Current, Interferential Current, Direct Current (Iontophoresis), Micro Currents, Electro diagnosis and Biofeedback.

Third year

First  Semester


Pharmacology (1) for physiotherapists M301 

This course enables the student to understand:

General pharmacology, Routes of drug administration, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, factors affecting drug actions and adverse drug reactions.  Autonomic nervous system, Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems agonists and their blockers, Local Anesthetics, Cardiovascular system, Anti-hypertensive drugs and treatment of ischemic heart diseases. Autacoids: Histamine & Drugs That Modify Its Effects, Skeletal Muscle relaxants & Myasthenia, Central and peripherally acting drugs and Treatment of myasthenia gravis.

Pathophysiology (1) for physiotherapists M302

This course enables the student to understand:

cell injury and death, Intracellular accumulation, extra-cellular deposits, Process of inflammation, Acute and chronic inflammation, Tissue repair and healing, Complications of wound healing, Bacterial infections terms, Pathogenesis of tuberculosis, Fungal infections and Parasitic diseases and Viral infection

Biomechanics (3) PT303

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to mechanics of bones,   Stress strain curve of bone under load, Improper stress distribution, Improper various loading modes, Stress distribution in fracture fixation, Introduction to muscle, Muscle variables, Muscle training, Articular cartilage & collagenous tissues and Factors affecting stress strain curve.


Chest Disease for physiotherapists M304

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Interstitial lung disease, Pulmonary functions, Bronchial asthma, Chronic obstructive lung diseases(1),Chronic obstructive lung diseases(2),Pleural diseases, Chest infection and malignancy, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Interstitial  lung diseases, Chest x ray,Suppurative lung diseases and Chest examination.

Principles of Research   G309

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Principles of individual and organizational behavior , principles of management and social behavior in business management, principles of project management , ethics of power and politics , decision making and models of problem solving .

P.T for cardio thoracic surgery PT306 

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Pre-operative patient assessment, Pre-operative pulmonary investigations & risk factors  identification, Clinical predictors of peri-operative cardio-vascular morbidity and mortality,  Pre-operative physiotherapy, Introduction to I.C.U, Equipment in I.C.U, Physical therapy intervention in I.C.U., Sternal precautions after open heart surgery, Post operative complications, Physiotherapy for patients after thoracic surgery (I), Physiotherapy for patients after thoracic surgery (II) and Mechanical ventilation.

Cardiopulmonary P.T PT307 

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Functional anatomy of heart, chest examination, General and local cardiac examination, Methods of chest P.T. Understanding normal and abnormal response to exercise and cardiovascular adaptations to exercise CO2 effect on respiratory system,  ECG, P.T for COPD and asthma, ECG abnormalities, Pulmonary rehabilitation, Basic principles of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), Interpretation of CPET results in normal subject and cardiac patients, P.T for T.B, Interpretation of CPET results in normal subject and cardiac patient, P.T for SLD, Program design for inpatient cardiac rehabilitation, Program design for outpatient cardiac rehabilitation, P.T for cystic fibrosis and P.T for cystic fibrosis.

Imaging (1) for physiotherapists M308  

 This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to radiological technology and professional ethics, Image production: film/screen radiography, radiographic quality, fluoroscopic imaging, and digital imaging, Basic radiation protection and radiobiology: ionizing radiation, biologic response to ionizing radiation, protecting the patient and radiographer, Normal Imaging Anatomy of chest (heart& lung), Abdominal, pelvic & female genital organs that can be seen in radiology. The Normal PA and Lateral Chest radiograph,

Imaging techniques in Chest, heart, abdomen and pelvis:




Steps to read X-ray

Systematic approach to Plain X-ray

Radiological Chest Signs, Types of normal and abnormal opacities, Examples of radiological chest abnormalities, Radiological findings for Chest deformities, Radiological findings for Heart abnormalities, Radiological findings for Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases,  Radiological findings for restrictive pulmonary diseases, Radiological findings for suppurative lung disease, Radiological findings for benign and malignant  pulmonary tumors, CT Angiography, Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring and Coronary CTA.


Cardiothoracic surgery for physiotherapists M305  

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disorders, Preoperative assessment & investigation, Indications for cardiothoracic surgery, Common Vascular Surgeries, Pericardial diseases, Ischemic heart diseases and its surgeries, Ischemic heart diseases and its surgeries, Pulmonary surgeries, Rheumatic heart diseases and its surgeries, Congenital heart diseases and its surgeries, Heart failure and Risk Factors for Cardiac disease and Postoperative complications.

Third year

Second Semester

Pharmacology (2) for physiotherapists M310 

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction of different pharmacological reactions , chemical form and usage of different materials and drug interactions .



Pathophysiology (2) for physiotherapists M311 

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction about cell injury , death, tissue repair , healing, complication of healing, different types of infections and diseases .



Biomechanics (4) M312 

Functional anatomy and Kinematics of the hip joint, Kinetics of hip joint, Mechanics of the lumbar spine, Pathomechanics of the hip joint, Functional anatomy and kinematics of the knee joint, Kinetics of the knee joint, Kinematics and kinetics of the patellofemoral joint, Pathomechanics of the knee joint, Functional anatomy and kinematics of the ankle and foot joints and Kinitics of the ankle and foot joints.

Internal medicine and Geriatrics for physiotherapists PT313

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Geriatric overview, Hypertension, Hypotension, Obesity, Metabolic syndrome, Diabetes Mellitus, Introduction  to renal diseases, Venous disorders, Peptic ulcer, Introduction  to liver diseases and Peripheral arterial diseases.

P.T for internal medicine and Geriatrics PT314

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction of geriatrics and geriatric theories, Physical therapy for atherosclerosis, Physical therapy evaluation and treatment for obesity, P.T for burger disease, P.T for hypertension, Cardiovascular changes in elderly, Pulmonary changes in elderly, Comprehensive geriatric assessment, Physical therapy for elderly pressure ulcers, Physical therapy for aneurysm, Physical therapy for elderly with osteoporosis, Physical therapy for chronic venous insufficiency, Physical therapy for balance assessment and training in elderly, Physical therapy for varicose veins, Metabolic changes with aging, Physical therapy for Raynaud’s phenomenon, Physical therapy for constipation, Physical therapy for lower limb lymphatic disorders (lymphedema), Physical therapy evaluation and treatment of hypotension, Chill plains, Musculoskeletal and posture changes in elderly and Physical therapy for diabetes mellitus.

Rheumatology for physiotherapists PT315 

Rheumatic heart disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Buerger’s disease, Vasculitis, Treatment of rheumatic diseases, Osteoarthritis, Psoriatic arthropathy, Polymyositis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Soft Tissue Rheumatism, Diagnosis of rheumatic diseases and Gout.

Community Medicine for physiotherapists M316 

General Introduction, Measurement of Health, Communication and Health Behavior, Nutrition, Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases, Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases, Occupational Health, School Health, Health of the Elderly, Health of People with Special Needs, Mental Health, Health Systems and Health Services in Egypt, Health Care Management, Environmental Health and Primary Health Care and Reproductive Health Services Primary.

Communication Skills G317 

This course provides the student with definition and fundamentals of communication, practice the communication skills in effective way, communicate in perfect way between therapist and patients also between therapist and communities.



Hospital administration for physiotherapists G318 

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Effective Hospital Management, Hospital Planning and Design, Role of Hospitals in Health Care, Controlling, Organizing, Directing and Leading and Planning, Financial Management.

Principles of Nutrition for physiotherapists G319 

Nutrients and their metabolism, Principles of dietary plan, Nutritional assessment, Food guide pyramid, Food exchange list, Nutrition in cardiovascular diseases and HTN, Nutrition in GIT problems, Nutrition in diabetes, Nutrition in obesity, and Nutrition in elderly.

Scientific writing M320 



Fourth Year

First  Semester


Traumatology for physiotherapists M401

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to fracture and traumatology, Complications of fractures, selected fracture regions , selected joint dislocations and selected joint injuries .

Orthopedics Surgery for physiotherapists M402

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Frozen shoulder(adhesive capsulitis), Acromioclavicular joint injuries, Glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis, Osteonecrosis,Shoulder Impingement syndrome and Rotator cuff tear,Superior labral anterior posterior lesions, Carpal Tunnel, Ulnar Tunnel, and Stenosing Tenosynovitis(Trigger finger and thumb- Bowler thumb- De quervain disease), Kienböck’s disease, acetabulofemoral impingement , Congenital and Developmental Dysplasia of Hip,Congenital and Developmental Coxa Vara, Osteonecrosis of hip, Chondromalacia patellae and petellofemoral maltracking, Suprapatellar Plica, Chondral Defects, Osteochondritis Dissecans ,Tendinitis and Bursitis, sacroiliac Dysfunction , spinal deformities (scoliosis-   kyphosis), Lumbar spondylosis and spondyloisthesis, Lower Back Pain and Disorders of Intervertebral Discs, Spinal Stenosis, Cervical Disk Derangement Disorders and spondylosis and thoracic outlet syndrome and Tempermandibular joint disorders.

P.T for orthopedic surgery PT 403

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Assessment in orthopedic physical therapy, Intro to Rehab. of fractures, physical therapy for bone healing and osteoporosis, physical therapy for neck pain & TMJ, physical therapy for lumbar Spondylosis & lumbar Disc Prolapse, physical therapy for sacroiliac Dysfunction and Mechanical LBP, physical therapy for traumatic conditions and surgery of spine and pelvis, physical therapy for spinal deformities, physical therapy for ankylosing spondylitis, physical therapy for traumatic conditions of hip, physical therapy for hip & knee Arthroplasty, physical therapy for PFPS, physical therapy for traumatic conditions of ankle & foot, physical therapy for painful foot, deformities of ankle & foot, physical therapy for shoulder fractures & dislocations, physical therapy for frozen shoulder, physical therapy for Impingement syndrome and Rotator cuff tear, physical therapy for traumatic conditions of the elbow, Myofascial pain syndrome, physical therapy for soft tissue injuries of wrist & hand, physical therapy for DJD, physical therapy for rheumatoid Arthritis, Gait assessment and Gait training, physical therapy for traumatic conditions of wrist and hand.

Imaging (2) for physiotherapists M404

 This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Uses of C.T. as an imaging modality, MRI in musculoskeletal diagnosis, Spinal trauma, Inflammatory joint diseases, Degenerative joint diseases, Gouty arthritis, Bone and joint infection, Imaging modalities in pyogenic joint infection (specific and non specific )Imaging modalities used in lumbar disc prolapse, lumber spondylosis, Uses of x ray as an imaging modality,


Orthotics and prosthesis PT405

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

U.L prosthesis ІІ, U.L orthoses, Spinal support, Walking aids and wheel chair, Introduction to Prosthesis, L.L prosthesis І,L.L prosthesis ІІ, Physiotherapy after prosthesis fitting, U.L prosthesis І, L.L orthoses,


P.T for sport injuries PT406

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction of p.t sports injury ,Emergency in sport. Rehabilitation of muscle injury. Risk factors of sports injuries. Prevention of sports injuries. Rehabilitation of Groin strain, osteitis pubis (1), and acetabulofemoral impingement. Rehabilitation of Groin strain, ostitis pubis (2). Rehabilitation of Runner’s knee and Jumper’s knee. Rehabilitation of ligamentous knee injuries (collaterals, ACL, and PCL). Rehabilitation of ankle sprain. Rehabilitation of shin splint, Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. Rehabilitation of swimmer’s shoulder. Rehabilitation of tennis and golfer’s elbow injuries. Introduction to sports physical therapy.


Fourth Year

Second Semester


General surgery and burn for physiotherapists M407

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Pediatric Burn, Mastectomy and Lymph Edema Rehabilitation. Skin Graft, Chest, Hand Burn, Hypertrophic Scar, Post Operative Pain Assessment, Rehabilitation of Hernial Repair, Handling, Neck Burn, Breathing Exercise for Post Operative Case, Head Burn, Inhalation Injury(Evaluation &Treatment), Rehabilitation post Upper Abdominal Surgery, Lower Extremity Burn, Rehabilitation post prostatectomy,, Evaluation of Surgical Case.


P.T for General surgery and burn PT409

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction for skin anatomy & physiology, Burn sheet, Post-surgical complication, Post burn complications and their prevention measures, Hernia And upper abdominal surgery, Various methods for wound assessment, Introduction for wound healing and scar biology formation, Electrotherapy and physical therapy for ulcer, Cancer, Thyroidectomy, Management of facial and neck burn, Mastectomy, Lymph edema, Role of physical therapy for Appendectomy, Physical Therapy Management for Pain, Physical therapy  management of electrical burn, Physical Therapy Management for Chemical Burn, Physical therapy management for pediatric burn, Role of physical therapy management for skin graft, Inhalation injuries (evaluation. Treatment), Walking reeducation and ambulation for patient with lower extremity burn, Role of PT in different types of skin disease, Obesity and bariatric surgeries. Physical therapy management for hand burn, Plastic surgery, Role of physical therapy for rectal disorders, Prostatectomy and urinary incontinence


Skin disorders for physiotherapists M409

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to dermatology, Papulosquamous diseases, Emergencies in dermatology, Acne and related diseases, Eczema, Vitiligo and alopecia, cutaneous manifestation of systemic diseases and Common skin infections.

Ergonomics PT410

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to ergonomics and human-machine system, Environmental factors, Biomechanics of the spine, Lifting techniques: Factors affecting lifting, Anthropometry, Hand- held tools, Posture at workplace and Safety measures


Gynecology and obstetrics for physiotherapists M411

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Anatomy of female genital organs, Chronic pelvic pain II, Ante-natal care.  Risk pregnancy. Hystrectomy. Dysmenorrhea. Normal labor.  Genital prolapse. Caesarian Section. Stress urinary incontinence. Puerperium. Menopause, R.V.F, Polycystic ovarian syndrome I, Polycystic ovarian syndrome II, Chronic pelvic pain I.

P.T for woman health PT412

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Revision of the female reproductive organs and pelvic floor structure. Ante-natal preparation for normal pregnancy and Physical evaluation for obstet. & Gyna. Cases. Role of P.T. in normal labor (intranatal-postnatal), Role of P.T. after episiotomy and forceps delivery. Role of P.T. in polycystic ovarian syndrome. Role of P.T. in dysmenorrheal. Role of P.T. in Cesarean section.& abdominal hysterectomy.  Role of P.T. in prophylaxis and management of genital prolapse. Role of  P.T. in chronic pelvic pain.Role of P.T. in stress urinary incontinenc. Role of P.T. in menopause.Role of P.T. in risk pregnancy. Role of P.T. in R.V.F. of the uterus. Role of P.T. in Puerperium.


P.T for pelvis disorders in woman’s PT413

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to pelvis anatomy , components, physiology of pelvis , different pelvic diseases and p.t role in these diseases .


P.T for integumentary disorders PT414 

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction of skin anatomy , burn definition , classification and evaluation ,post surgical complications , post burn complications ,wound healing and scar biology, different surgical procedures , wound healing, ulcers , lymph edema, p.t role in such cases .

Fifth Years

First Semester

Neurology for physiotherapists M501 

 This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction, neurological sheet and nervous system, pyramidal , extrapyramidal tracts, cerebellar, spinal cord and cauda equina, peripheral nerves, muscle fibers and N.M.J disorders and demyelinating disorders in N.S


P.T Neurology PT502

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction about the course. Evaluation sheet, P.T for selected neurological cases and Basic Principles of PNF.


Electro diagnosis for physiotherapists M503 

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to electro diagnosis. Phases of action potential and its propagation and motor unit. EMG examination for UL and LL muscles. Nerve conduction studies and different nerve lesions. Upper extremity NCS and common pathologies (Ulner, median and radial). Lower extremity NCS and common pathologies. Somatosensory evoked potential. Evaluation of patients with anterior horn cells, neuromuscular disorders and muscles disease, Late responses H- reflexes and F- waves.


P.T Neurosurgery PT504  

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

. P.T for selected neurological cases.


Neurosurgery for physiotherapists M505  

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Head injuries. Spinal cord injuries. Space occupying lesions of the brain and spinal cord . Peripheral nerve injuries. Surgical intervention in spasticity. Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage. Subdural haematoma. Inflammatory disorders of the brain and spinal cord. Cervical disc prolapse. Lumbar disc prolapse. Modern neuro-surgical intervention.


Psychiatry for physiotherapists M506  

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction. Personality Structure. Etiology and symptomatology of psychiatric disorders. Anxiety Disorders. Drugs abuse and dependence.Mental retardation. Delirium disorders. Somatoform disorders, Organic brain syndrome, Psycho pharmacology.


Clinical pathology for physiotherapists M507  

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to clinical pathology. Cell injury and death of nervous system. Intracellular accumulation of nervous system. Extra-cellular deposits of nervous system. Process of inflammation of nervous system. Acute and chronic inflammation of nervous system. Tissue repair and healing of nervous system. Infections of nervous system. Pathogenesis of tuberculosis in of nervous system. Fungal andViral infection infections of nervous system.


Motor control PT508

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction to motor control concept. Motor control physiology. Motor control theories. Sensory contributions to motor control. General contributions to motor control. Physiology of recovery of functions. Constraints on motor control: an overview of neurological impairments. Postural control.

Second Semester 

Pediatrics for physiotherapists       

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Hydrocephalus and microcephalus. Neonatal care and related problems. High risky infant. Brachial plexus palsy (birth injuries).Cerebral palsy. Epilepsy. Congenital anomalies. Facial Palsy. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and Gulian Barrie syndrome


Pediatric surgery for physiotherapists M510     

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Orthopedic surgeries for C.P. Importance of surgery. Birth lesions. Nerve lesion. Head trauma. Hydrocephalus. Spina bifida. Developmental dysplasia of hip D.D.H.S coliosis. knee deformities. Foot deformities. Torticollis .upper limb deformities and Muscle disorders.


Human Genetics for physiotherapists     M511

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Structure and function of genes and chromosomes (I).Genetic variation: origin and detection .Classifications of genetics and congenital abnormalities, Prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases, Genetic counseling Patterns of single-gene inheritance,

None classical patterns of single-gene inheritance.


Growth and development PT512 

 This course provides the student with knowledge about :

An introduction to human development. Theoretical perspectives of human development. Prenatal development. Birth and the newborn infant. Physical development in infancy. Cognitive  development in infancy. Social and personality development in infancy. Physical development in preschool years. Cognitive development in preschool years. Social and personality development in preschool years. Physical, cognitive, social and personality development in middle childhood. Physical, cognitive, social and personality development in adolescence.


P.T pediatrics    PT513   

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

 Physical evaluation in pediatrics, Reflexive Maturation, P.T for peripheral nerve disorders (Brachial plexus injuries). Neural Plasticity. Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy,  Facial Palsy. Postural deviations in pediatrics, Spasticity Control in pediatrics, Physical Therapy for some genetic disorder, Physical Therapy for congenital anomalies I, Physical Therapy for Gillian Barre syndrome, Physical therapy for Traumatic Head Injuries, Physical Therapy for Congenital anomalies III (torticollis).Physical Therapy for Infantile Paralysis, physical therapy for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Physical therapy for High Risk Infant. Musculoskeletal disorders (sports injuries in pediatrics).


Psychology for handicapped G514

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

General introduction to psychology and special education, Psychology and characteristics of visual and auditory  handicapped, Psychology and characteristics of mentally and handicapped, Ways of teaching handicapped. Difference between general and special education.




Speech disorders for physiotherapists    M515   

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Language, Speech, Dysphagia, Voice, Phonation, types and indication of therapy

Imaging (3) for physiotherapists M516 

Introduction. Normal finding of x- ray in spine and skull image, Normal and abnormal finding of C.T. of the brain,  Normal and abnormal finding of MRI of the brain. Abnormal finding of MRI of the brain of different neurological diseases. Normal finding of C.T. of the spine, Normal and abnormal finding of MRI of the spine. Abnormal finding of MRI of the spine in different spine disorders and Advanced imaging techniques used in investigations .

Clinical occupational therapy PT517  

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Introduction (OT in relation to allied medical services, team personnel, method and tools).Overview of O.T for children. Main aspects or basic principles of O.T. Methods and aims of evaluation. Evaluation of development of hand function skills of normal child. Intervention for problems of hand function in different cases.  Assessment of feeding. Impact of hand function problems on feeding and appropriate interventions in different cases. Evaluation for development of hand function skills of  normal child (case study).Orthotics and Prosthetics and Occupational Therapy Process for Individuals: Work Contexts.


Principles of Business G518         

This course provides the student with knowledge about :

Sample, population and levels of measurements. Data Organization and Displaying. Measures of central tendency. Measures of Dispersion. Paired and unpaired t-test. Basic principles of research. Logical steps of research process. literature review. Research Classification .Experimental Design. Sampling techniques. How to write a paper for a scientific journal. Randomized trial. Validity and reliability and Citation Testing Hypothesis Problem solving