عمداء الكلية السابقون أ.د/ أمام النجمي أ.د/ كمال شكري أ.د/ عادل عبد الحميد نصير أ.د/ علاء عبد الحكيم بلبع أ.د/ جيهان المنياوي المشرف علي ملف الاعاقة بالجامعة منسق طلاب من اجل مصر اساتذه بالكلية يشغلون منصب عميد بالجامعات المصرية ( ترتيب الاسماء ابجدي) أ.د/ اسامة رشاد أ.د/ الفت دياب أ.د/ امل فوزي أ.د/ اميرة حسين دراز أ.د/ خالد عياد أ.د/ سمير الجزار أ.د/ شيرين حسن أ.د/ عدلي صبور أ.د/ علاء عبد الحكيم بلبع أ.د/ عمرو ابو جازية أ.د/ عوني رحمي أ.د/ فاتن حسن عبدالعظيم أ.د/ فاطمة ابوالمجد أ.د/ فتحي الشاذلي أ.د/ فرج عبدالمنعم أ.د/ محمد خلاف أ.د/ محمود الشاذلي أ.د/ نجيب سالم أ.د/ هالة عز الدين أ.د/ وائل شندي أ.د/ وليد طلعت اساتذه بالكلية يشغلون مناصب بالجامعة أ.د/ جيهان المنياوي المشرف علي ملف الاعاقة بالجامعة منسق طلاب من اجل مصر أ.د/ سهير شحاته مدير مركز رعاية المسنين أ.م.د/ تامر محمد السعيد قائم بعمل مدير مركز خدمات الطلاب ذوي الاعاقة اساتذه من خريجي الكلية بالجامعات الدولية ( ترتيب الاسماء ابجدي) أ.د/ اسلام هويدي teaching staff at new York medical college Member of orthopedic specialty council at the specialization academy of content experts (SACE) أ.د/ اشرف جورجي Director of Spinal Cord Injury Research at Hunter Holmes McGuire at VA Medical Center and Professor at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Virginia Commonwealth University. He has a bachelor and master degrees in Physical Therapy from Cairo University in 1994 and 2000, respectively. He acquired his PhD in Exercise Physiology in 2005 with special emphasis on electrical stimulation, muscle activation and fatigue from the University of Georgia. In 2007, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan with special focus on studying the medical consequences, body composition and metabolic changes after spinal cord injury (SCI). His research background is in Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology with special interest in individuals with SCI. His research work has focused on investigating rehabilitation strategies that could improve the quality of life in individuals with SCI and minimize the SCI health related secondary complications. Dr. Gorgey is primarily interested in applications of electrical stimulation, and the capability of utilizing exercise intervention to evoke skeletal muscle hypertrophy, favorable body composition and metabolic profiles in persons with chronic SCI. He is also interested in understanding the cellular and molecular adaptations to unloading and hypertrophy. Recently, he has been investigating the effects of exoskeleton rehabilitation, epidural stimulation, trans-spinal stimulation on motor recovery after SCI. His research has received a national recognition by different organizations, including the Department of Veteran Affairs and Department of Defense. Dr. Gorgey has published more than 140 peer-reviewed articles and presented nationally as well as internationally in different scientific meetings. أ.د/ الف سعيد Former adjunct professor of physical therapy California state university of long beach ا.د/ حمدي رضوان أ.د/ طارق عبدالخالق أ.د/ محمد الصباحي أ.د/ ياسر توفيق Dr. Yasser Salem PT, PhD, MS, NCS, PCS Professor and Program Director Department of Physical Therapy Hofstra University